Originally Posted By: paracharlie
You should not have to write out every member of a structure or class at any time. Think about it. What if your structure or class were 3,4 or 500 lines easily done in gaming industry.

I don't get your point here. So what if a structure was 500 lines long? Well, you can be pretty sure your design uhm... well ... leaves some space for improvements... but I don't see how this is connected to a saving or loading mechanism. You can either use game_save/game_load to let the engine do all the dirty work for you. Of course this approach cannot be controlled that fine-granular. But on the other hand you can of course use file_open_write and write out exactly what you want and skip any fields you want. You of course then have a lot more work to do, but that is the price you have to pay for more flexibility.

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