Well i saw your site, usually i don't say anything !
I just pass !

I don't know why ? perhaps i'm in a strange mood today laugh ?
But i thought, why not giving my opinion laugh ?
Specially when it's someone targetting the kind 3DGS community !

Sorry, but your offers and price looks like a joke !

Just some opinions :
Your stuff is too much expensive and no so quality sometimes.
9 euros for a simple poor no so quality palm ? are you kidding ?

Take example and learn what is a quality and very good pack
and offer for indie people :

Dexsoft rain forest : 73 great quality models with LOD : 29 Euros

Dexsfot Palm pack : 66 quality models and LOD : 29 Euros

Dexsoft 2 car models and 42 variations textures with 5 LOD stages : 29 Euros


Well i would just say, you target some occasionnal people
not real indie game makers !

Last edited by ratchet; 03/23/11 10:52.