I couldnt really understand why so many people didnt like the first Crysis - the story wasnt good, the gameplay grew repitive after a while, and the main character doesnt have any character, BUT it still was a more-than-solid shooter, delivered a lot of action and, well, for me, great graphics DO make a game better. They cant make a crappy game a great game, but they can make an average game a good game.

However, for Crysis 2, I havent played it yet, but I can say it lacks what made Crysis special for me: The jungle setting. I'd have expected any setting - deserts, the polar caps, anything - but not an urban setting. This way, it lacks the open levels and freedom of choice, the unique tropical/exotic flair and everything. I think it's not Crysis anymore. It's like "The storyline of Crysis continued in a new game", but it's not Crysis 2.