The videos really look like it is a fun game. Still many people complain about a lot of things. They claim it is weaker than Crysis1 in many aspects, not only graphics, they wrote that areas are smaller, no open level design, way less vehicle combat, less physics, less destructible objects, less options to adapt system settings. Auto aim had to be patched away from the PC game.

All these points make sense to me. They had to optimize for consoles and had to sacrifice something. Many PC gamers just expected a new amazingly revolutionary FPS shooter. That is probably the reason why they are disappointed.

I personally understand Crytek from the deveoper point of view the same like I understand the gamers from their point of view. It is really hard to tell.

Anyway, Crytek did a great job to make a good multi-platform game. The question remains if that is enough to deliver the best PC game. But they did everything right to be commercially successful.

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