ok ive fiddled with this template you supplied.

function jumpyoubastard()
var jumpheight = 5;
while(key_space == 1){
//this is moved in the world movement
c_move(my,dist,vector(0,0,jumpheight * time_step), IGNORE_PASSABLE|GLIDE);
wait(1);//this should move the player up. Adjust the 15 and the -1 to see what works best


i took out the -= 1; because thats already in place in my handle_gravity code.

ive got some movement i just need to figure out why if i hold the jump button down it causesl:
1: me to go to the top and slowly fall down
2: me to move really fast using the movement keys.

Last edited by Doc_Savage; 04/19/11 04:23.

Do not concern yourself with my race, personality or origin. find my record in the pits, and then make your wager.