It's not a revolution, even with the SDK, you will not find
that much people digging i think, like for UT3 engine.
These are more complex than simple indie engines somtimes !
And you are force ot learn new workflow, new langage etc ..

For the commercial way, if you plan make and sell a little game, i'm not sure at all it can compete with price of Unity Pro , and it will not be that appropriate perhaps for a tiny/casual game indeed !
even the build i think will be highter with all Cry engine libraries and stuff !
I think you'll charge on royalties, or the price for commercial
will be lot more high targetting solid indie teams having solid
skilled people and real business paln !

For people without skills on solid Next Gen 3D assets, it's not the tool !

For people that just want to play , have fun and mod for pleasure, make their skills or make a game for their portollio that's great indeed !

Another great point is for tools coders, engine programmers or
3D features programmers, they'll have access to source code,
so they can be inspired or learn from that !

UT3 is also available, who have better workflow and ease
of use ?

Just my personnal thought !

Last edited by ratchet; 04/22/11 09:56.