Originally Posted By: Joquan
Haha, actually I would help you get it done. That's just me. I believe that you can't just learn solely by words.

I wasn't talking about examples. Would you really do my homework for me? I'm almost certain you wouldn't, for two three reasons:

1) Ol' Teach would hate it. :-(
2) I wouldn't learn anything.
3) It would be a waste of your own time.

Here's something else you need to think about: why does anyone need to include you in this project? What's stopping anyone from copying this website in just a day? I mean, come on... In a nutshell, all you have do to build these websites is register an account at smfnew, install a theme, and create some sub forums. Even if you didn't have a fancy web gui to do that, that would be a 30min job at max. So what makes you so important to the project?

I ask that question because quite frankly, nobody likes following an incompetent leader.

So how about you prove yourself otherwise by doing the following:

1) Stop badgering people to help you with your own personal projects which you can't be darned to work on much yourself.
2) Start creating some real content yourself. Write some reviews in your spare time. Upload some videos. Populate your website with stuff YOU made.
3) It will be slow, but keep up this process until you attract visitors.
4) Wait until people start contacting you, asking if they can help with the website.
5) Watch your website grow.

Last edited by Redeemer; 04/25/11 02:55. Reason: apparently, I can't count anymore. :P

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