Rather than commandments there are The "Five Pillars of Islam" and "The 6 Articles of Faith"

The Five Pillars are

The Six Articles of Faith are
1st one is same as one of the Pillars, accepting that there is only one God.
2nd faith in Angels
3nd faith in 4 holy books
4th faith in his messengers
5th faith in the judgement day and afterlife
6th faith in fate (fate is a very interesting and broad concept in Islam)

Denying one of this articles means your faith is not complete. i.e. Believeing in all articles but denying Jesus, or any part of the Quran means your faith is not complete.

A lot of events in the Quran are similiar to some events in other books to some degree.

In core, since they are all coming from the same God as muslims believe, all religions are same. Before being modified/altered by man, the Bible was God's word. Main difference between Islam and Christianity today, is the understanding and attributes of the God* and Jesus.

*:(Allah is the arabic word for God)


Also about science/religion conflict:
Islam encourages studying the universe in all aspects. In fact it is considered as a prayer to study science under certain circumtances.

This science/religion can't be together thing comes from the days when the Church did not want to lose their power. They tried to keep people away from science, leaving them uneducated and easier to control.

Last edited by Quadraxas; 05/04/11 21:01.