love is part of faith, though you can be emo and accept there is only one god but not love him???

On the contrary, we are instructed that if we truly love God for his sacrifice, we will render utmost respect, love, and obedience toward him, in accordance with the principles given in both the New Testament and Old Testament. As it is written in James 2:18:
"But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."
And James 2:20:
"But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?"
Good works should be a natural consequence of our faith. Nonetheless, they are not the reason for our salvation: our salvation through Christ is not earned or bought through good works, but made in faith and expounded through works.

EDIT: When I made this post, I hadn't seen the last two, so I'm making a response to this statement:

Everyone's sin is for themselves. Also children do not get born with sin, they are pure and without any sin.

Indeed, the sins of the father do not pass to the son, but the consequences of the father's sin may inflict the son. For example: if God destroys a man for his sin, his family is not to blame for the sin, but they will still suffer his loss. An entire family might perish because of the sin of one man in the family. In the same way, when Adam betrays God in Genesis, man as an entire race is burdened with the weight of death. The weight of sin is inescapable to all men simply because they are the offspring of the first man, Adam. Consequently, man is bound to sin until he accepts God's forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice.

Last edited by Redeemer; 05/04/11 23:29.

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