No, God gave his own son (and therefore himself) and sacrificed him for mankind (and therefore himself). This has several implications:

1. No more immolation by the people as in the old testament
2. God gives everything (= himself) for us
3. We are free of sin through this sacrifice
You can think of more things, probably.

I think it is quite logical (not natural, though) that God would come to earth in a mortal body. There is simply no higher sign or gift he could have sent us. Although at that time crucifixion were quite common and I guess people might have suffered more in other circumstances (which I don't want to think about) the idea is unsurpassable: God dying so that we can be near to him again.

All the duality in the scripture might seem weird (stuff like: noone comes to God than through me - Jesus) is consistent if you think of it in the way Reedemer has mentioned. Obviously it makes sense if God and Jesus are the same entity. Also, this means that through him we already have been forgiven all sin and nothing we can do on our end could have achieved that same thing.
Do Muslims pray to Mohammed?