Hi there everyone,

I have been working in the game industry for the 15 years.
I have worked for EA, Cyan, UBI and for the last few years Square. Last week Square started the unannounced layoffs.
Sadly I was one of them.
It may have been my fault I was pushing for a sequel that they were never going to do. Honestly I was thinking of leaving, I feel the industry is heading in the wrong direction due to details I can't go into.

I have given it a lot of thought and want to start a Design Group. I want to start giving players the games they want and beg for. For free of course.

The mission of SamaGames will start as remaking classic as true to the original as possible.
After a few titles to see hows things go we do our first squeal.

I am looking to with the Snes classic Shadowrun.
and if all goes well maybe even get a second team going for
Final Fantasy 6.

Anyway this is getting long so hit me back and lets get things started

Last edited by Sama; 05/14/11 04:55.