Normally, CamelCase is what i prefer. Iam using it at work in Delphi(for 10Month now).

When i started to do some OOP like things in LiteC, i wanted a Name for a method that States what it does, and which class it is part of. Thats why i started to use the ClassName_MethodName approach.

I have been a bit scared about something like:

TMyClassThatDoesSomeFancyShit() as a method name. You have to look twice to see which class its part of. So i went TMyClass_DoSomeFancyShit();
In Java, Delphi Iam still using normal CamelCase since they support real classes.

And maybe i should stop here, because i dont want to bash you Thread with offtopic things^^


MY Website with news of my projects:
(for example my current
Muliplayer Bomberman,
GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC
and TileMaster, an easy to use Tile editor)