It's first time i heard of this game on Snes, not so well known.

The problem fo making an exact copy, it's the copy rights !

Even more it's a total waste , if the remake would be a great success with improved 3D graphics, gameplay etc ... like some other remakes, you won't be able to sell it !

If you make it for free, i'm not sure you'll find people ready to put lot of their free time making textures, characters, animations etc ... for free just like that.

Even for real projects destined to be selled perhaps, it's hard to find people motivated, or they begin and stop because they find other pririties in their life etc ...

So ... well, perhaps make it yourself alone , the best way to not be disappointed laugh ??

They are lonewolves sometimes doing better than companies :
Sonic remake

Why do you choose A8 engine if you are a pure 3D artist ?
some other engines are better suited for 3D artists ??

All that is really strange ? And you could present some portfollio ? if you are really an artist working in Industry
you should indeed have one ??

Last edited by ratchet; 05/16/11 21:13.