Originally Posted By: JustSid
The problem is, it follows an structure.

Hum? I couldnt find any structure but way too long sentences.
I think it was Goethe who once wrote something like this to a local duke - 'I'm sorry my letter is that long but i couldnt find the time to make it shorter'
My point: The shorter the better.

Originally Posted By: JustSid

The thing is, the getting started guide is to tell people how things are meant to be.

If I read a 'getting started' I want to get started and not be told why I should use Lite-Foundation in the first place.
("Now you might come up with the question: Why all the hassle?" - No i wont...)

Originally Posted By: JustSid

I can't throw a huge bunch of code at people and say "hey, learn it!".
This is why the informal "crap" is there, it is meant to tell you the naming conventions, memory conventions and all this stuff. Plus the global concept of Lite Foundation, how things work in general etc. pp.
This knowledge is supposed to give you an advantage, because it sets a default way for how things work and saves you from trips to the reference just to look what the function does or what kind of object it returns.

Then maybe call it 'All about Lite-Foundation' not 'Getting started'.

Originally Posted By: JustSid

Its not really easy to explain all this stuff and looking at the rest of your post it looks like you didn't tried to understand it

Ye well I tried to _get started_ and got already lost on the first page.

Originally Posted By: JustSid
this is also why I asked for feedback (without, I can't improve it).

I consider this to be productive feedback.

Originally Posted By: JustSid
Yes, but it is possible do a serious project in LED.

Whats LED?

So my advice is - write a real 'Getting started'. Theres way too much information thats supposed to be in a Manual or a 'reading further'
You can shorten it by half (well almost^^) only if you cut out all the
"Lite Foundation needs to trick a little bit;"
"Now you might come up with the question: Why all the hassle? Why not just use structs
and ship a few functions with them and everything is just fine?"
"Now thats all fine, but it leads
to a few problems: The main question is: When do I have to free what?"
“Hey, Iʼm interested in this object, please keep it alive”
“Alright, thanks for keeping the object alive, but I donʼt
need it anymore” (informal crap aleart^^)
"You probably have already noticed it"
...and on and on...
These sentences either contain none information at all or could be said in 3 words max.

I hope this might help you interest some more people in Lite Foundation - Im pretty sure this is a main reason why 'nobody gets it'.
I also have some more suggestions for your documentation if youre interested pm me or so.