@FlorianP: i have some first simple conceptional notes here for a PreCompiler.
Thought about it for some time now. Hopefully i have some time todo a simple prototype during the next week(this one is already full>.<).

My goal is to provide a precompiler that can process a class, an reconstructs it as a struct with function bindings, being able to derive from another class.

Precompiler automatically constructs the base constructor of the class(which includes the function binding).

LATER support for This/Self yet. This needs a second step, going through the whole code and adding new parameters to the medthos(an autoadded parameter).

Classes will be plased in .class files(easier for me to just go through the classfile instead of going through the whole project, maybe screwing womething up. LAter maybe in normal cfiles). class files are precomputed to c files, and collected in a file called Classes.c. This should be the only file the user has to include.

Thats my concept, already wrote a simple parsing systems at work for another purpose. Lets see.


Last edited by Rackscha; 05/17/11 15:58.

MY Website with news of my projects:
(for example my current
Muliplayer Bomberman,
GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC
and TileMaster, an easy to use Tile editor)