Steel Beach and Real Serious Media are looking for talent for a possible 12 month contract beginning July 1st. We will be creating new content as well as editing existing content for education (at the university level). Work will be 40 hours per week for 12 months with US government holidays off. Work should be from home using your own equipment and software.

We are looking for people with the following skill sets:

Intermediate Technical Skills:

Adobe Flash CS4 (including AS3 and possibly editing AS1 and AS2)

Advanced Technical Skill:

Dreamweaver (CS4 or higher)
Fireworks (CS4 or higher)
Photoshop (CS4 or higher)
MS Office Applications (2010 or higher)
Browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc)
Learning Management Systems
Adobe Reader

Two years minimum experience required.

Please respond via PM with skill set. I will then provide an email address and phone number if you have any additional questions. A resume/CV will be required to be considered for this position. Compensation is between $15 and $18 per hour. 40 hours per week is anticipated for 12 months, excluding US holidays (approx. 2000 hours of work). We will need three people to fill this position.