Originally Posted By: ratchet
Why do you choose A8 engine if you are a pure 3D artist ?
some other engines are better suited for 3D artists ??
Originally Posted By: Gamesaint762
I am going to have to agree that it is quite strange that someone with industry experience would choose this game engine. I have seen one or 2 decent games made with this engine in 11 years. If your an experienced artist Sama then I would love to see your portfolio and also advise trying Unity as its a free engine with no royalties. Still odd that you would even post here. I have been in the Industry for 4 years and rarely ever do anything related to Gstudio anymore as Conitec does very little to upgrade their products.
I disagree with both of you. Ratchet, I do think lone-wolf pure artists aren't going to get very far with GS. But this is the Jobs Offered forum, and he's looking for a team. He's not trying to make something all by his lonesome.

Gamesaint, I'm surprised at you, after you recently posted Supercan, and you must be aware of Dejobaan's work. Less amazing stuff comes out of GS only because it has less users. Unity is much better marketed, and much better known. GS lacks cross-platform support, but besides that is extremely capable. Sama's looking in the right place!

Sama, may I suggest you joining someone else's team first. A little freelance work, or even contributing artwork to the community, will gain you some reputation within the community, give us a better understanding of you, and get a more positive response from other users who are available to work.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!