Is IntenseX and Intense Pathfinding 3.1 free and open source now?

I`d like to add it to the Gamestudio Wiki, but I can`t find download links to the binaries and the source code.
Is there a chance to get the stuff? Basically I just need the newest installer versions of both tools, because I already got the keygen.
I think this would be an awesome addition for the GameStudio Tools section:

Could anybody upload the newest versions of the tools and maybe the Standoff Demo to Acknex Unlimited?

I could create an own site for "Let`s work on IntenseX" where people can discuss their progress on bugfixing and enhancing IntenseX and post the newest versions besides some descriptions there. Community patching. I´ve got some ideas from my experiences with Intense Pathfinding 3 how to eventually do this.