I was a 16-year old ambitious boy once, learning code, not visual editors. It's not hard to follow up a 25-chapter Lite-C workshop with a 7-chapter shader workshop -- especially since the first 4 chapters work well on their own (they were originally written to end there) and are what I learned with. I was stoked to find I could write shaders in the exact same environment I produced everything else with.
...If such an expert is willing to look into more than only Gamestudio.
Shaders in Gamestudio are written in HLSL -- that's the industry standard for writing shaders in DirectX (along with Cg which is identical). The engine generally doesn't matter when it comes to writing shaders -- some are weird and have proprietary means to produce shaders, but they'll usually include options for HLSL or Cg.

If someone really wants a node-based editor, it wouldn't be hard to produce one. Make a user request or something and list the kind of nodes you want. I'm sure you'll find someone interested in making one.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!