I am using the LiteC version in the help file it says .wdl but there are no .wdl files so I changed it to .c but it asks for textures that dont exist and also the cube_map isnt in the folder either .wdl or .c. I copied the data folder and the mystymood.c into my root then included the mystymood.c instead of mystymood.wdl because it doesnt exist in the download. It also says for a skymap to include "include <cubemap_gen.wdl>;" so I searched the folder for gen.wdl and got nothing back so I tried gen.c but still nothing. So if I take the "include <cubemap_gen.wdl>;" out of the main.c I have and press F5 to test the game it says:
MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_black_1.bmp

MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_blue_1.bmp

MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_green_1.bmp

MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_red_1.bmp

but I also cant find any of these textures in any of the folders?

EDIT: inside the mystymood_data>scripts folder is the .c file I need copying it to root and even defining the mystymood_data folder still doesnt make it noticeable.

Last edited by JakeBilbe; 05/29/11 13:28.