Thanks everybody, but it´s still puzzling me...
The only solution i see it´s to have a deeeep breath and start the ENTIRE PROJECT ALL OVER AGAIN.
...or something like that: i´m more or less "copying" each function, action and var inside a new project, and little-by-little reassembling and optmizing the entire basic code structure.
The original was messy anyway... so far, i only had the guts to add a single scenario model and the main character model, and work trough the initial 3th person camera and starting character gravity.
This IS a big step, since A8 uses a new and improved physic system... it´s more or less the same thing i was plannig to do (re-write most of the code logic), but in a more sad state.
Since it´s a early stage of re-writing the entire code, i´ll try to focus on creating a single gravity function for all NPC´s and objects (maybe it can affect player models too), and implement the system menus and PAUSE functions when the code is still at it´s initial steps.
But in truth, even after thinking that i´m so depressed that i barelly had enough in me to put on paper all the core functions i wanted...
1st, 3th person cameras/event cameras,optmized gravity, object focus on-screen description, 3d resolution idependant inventory system and system menus, equipment sytem, doors and keys, chests and containers, npc dialogue system and cutscenes, combat, scene position and level object management, experience and status system, shopping menus, buttons and mechanisms, NPC script behavior and cutscene management.
Magic system, NPC companions,ladders and ropes, mounts and craft/building where also added to the wish list laugh
I think that´s may be the right time to start a DEV blog?