Hey sleepy, I took what you gave us and I was able to compile it after I copied your level geometry into a new level, created a generic script, used the default textures and deleted the sera model reference. I can safely say there’s nothing wrong with the level geometry. It may be a problem with one of your textures. It's not uncommon I've even had a texture glitch once in A7 and it took me awile to find the corupt texture.

The manual says you'll get the out of memory error if one of you files is corrupt and I’m guessing that's what’s going on with you.

I could be wrong. just tossing out some ideas.


Error E1004: Not enough memory (xxx MB required)
Error E1005: Out of memory

A Windows memory allocation (malloc or new function) failed. All today's PCs should have enough virtual memory (more than 2 GB), so you'll normally never see this error message. Check if your PC is misconfigured or set up to a very low virtual memory size. Another reason for this error message can be a too-high nexus value (exceeding the recommended limit) or a damaged model, sound or image file with a wrong internal size.