Hey guys,

I'm trying to create a custom shader but having a few issues.

I've narrowed it down to having a different number of skins on the model though in my eyes this shouldn't make any difference.

I have two models both identical except for the number of skins they have (one with 5 and the other with 9).

With the shader I've got an fx applied to skin 2 to which mixes
skin 3 with the R channel of skin 2,
skin 4 with the G channel of skin 2, and
skin 5 with the B channel of skin 2.

This all works fine, but, when I have 9 skins on the model, it doesn't do any mixing as expected.

I use <entSkin1> through <entSkin4> in the shader which in my understanding should always be skins 2,3,4 and 5 resepectively.

Anybody able to shed some light on this? I can send an example of what the hell I'm on about if it wil help.

Thanks in advance!