I've finished up the second beta demo test for Silas. I have fixed over 50 bugs and hopefully all the critical ones. As well, there are many new features as listed(thanks for the suggestions):

- Numbered Weapon Slots
- Online Stats section showing who's online ect.
- Online Leaderboards, Top40 killers and racers
- Perks, choose from over 30 different ones
- Message Board for posting
- Future Game Board where you can post when you'll be online and ready to play, this one works great if both users properly sets his timezone.

- "Shooter Mode" which is an unreal tournament onslaught style mode where you point and aim with the camera, and the kart will automatically drive itself in that direction. This allows you to have a very good view of the battlefield. Hit "Q" to activate.
- Revamped "Turret Mode" where the kart will now drive in the area your point to as well. Hit "F" to activate.
- You now know who was killed and commited suicide in the chat dialoge. As well, who joined and left.
- You can now choose if you want gliders or health powerups to appear in the match
- when chatting your cursor will always remain active until you click outside. This allows quick chatting.

- You now have the option to start a server and have it always listed on the database. This allows players to join your game while it is already in progress. And they can jump in and out as much as they want. This is not allowed for online races however.
- Network games now have their own server lobby. You can have over 20 servers started on the same network and the game will find them.
- Online Racing now works properly from start to finish. When you cross the finish line it waits for others to cross or eventually exits everyone.

- your online username and password are now saved and you don't need to enter again when restarting Silas.
- game now uses about 10x less network traffic
- camera arc values increased in air mode and more
- A couple new LoudCore songs

There is also a version checker now. This download is 752MB... however, after you download this beta, any future beta downloads will be less than 50MB because of the updater that enables in the online game. This will make future betas really easy. Do not combine this version with the old beta as it is standalone.

http://www.exaltstudios.com/forums/index.php?sid=1d021908a55ec80fb1aeeb188d162bba - post all bugs here

And if you enjoy the beta demo, you can pre-order the game here:


I hope to release it in July of 2011. If this beta holds up fairly well, that will be the final release date. I will also expand the beta to other communities for free if this beta holds up fairly well here. Please let me know all bugs. laugh

Finally, here is the download link:


Thanks to everyone on this forum for all their help. And to those who pre-ordered, your support is needed.

Check out Silas. www.kartsilas.com

Hear my band Finding Fire - www.myspace.com/findingfire

Daily dev updates - http://kartsilas.blogspot.com/