When I startup the game, I get an error saying:
"Silas: silas_demo.exe - Abbild fehlerhaft
Die Anwendung oder DLL H:\Download\Silas\Silad_Beta 0.94\msvcr100.dll ist keine gültige Windows-Dabeit. Überprüfen Sie dies mit der Installationsdiskette."

Rough translation: The msvcr100.dll is not a valid Windows-File. Please check this with the installation-floppy (and yes, the word used there is the word used for floppy, not CD... :P)

When I click okay it goes away and the game runs fine. I had a crash the first time I tried, but I don't remember when, so I can't give any useful feedback tongue

What i did notice though: Does holding S make the car go backwards or does it reverse the current velocity? Because by pressing W and S a few times (and holding them together with D or A) I got weird movement, where W sometimes accelerated backwards and S forward or something... was hard to steer that way.
Graphics are still very nice. The UI at startup is very nice as well (main menu) later on it feels a little too full/unorganized. But it works, and this is just my 2 cents.

Last edited by Germanunkol; 06/13/11 08:01.

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-Mark Twain