Dear Somebody,

I'm getting really tired of trying to follow tutorials and they say something like add an entity and then change the behaviour of that entity by going to behaviour tab and choosing.. "Player_walk" for example...

Behaviours are just blank for me and its starting to bug me need some help please. - randomly this time round uppon loading wed there not blank...see screenshot for what I see.

Here are some screen shots to better explain my problem.

The current actions I see, baised on the names I assume there more effects than actions:

Alot of articles and people have said its because im not choosing the write script in map properties, well can somone tell me which one I need ive tried all in this screenshot and its the same issue for all of them:

Some others have said its my current presets, I have noticed you can't change these only Add paths....well can somone please advise me where the default actions are and I will add the path because I just cant find player_walk for example anywhere.

If this does not get resolved by 25th im going to file a charge back, I'm some what annoyed that a product of value of £700+ does not work straight out the box.

Last edited by nomis23uk; 06/18/11 10:05.

A8 Pro
Windows 7 64bit
QuadCore i7, 6 gb ram, ATI 5970