So im almost finished with my new player moment.
And ofcourse there is a problem grin
What I want;

When I press mouse left, the player should start his combo.
Moreover when I press mouse left again, the player should continue his combo.

What happens;

My player only attacks with his first attack (no combo)

Here is the code part;

Click to reveal..
var combo = 0;
if(mouse_left == 0 && mouse_left_press == 1) mouse_left_press = 0;
if(mouse_left == 1 && mouse_left_press == 0 && combo == 0)
my.animblend = attack_a;
my.skill6 += 10 * time_step;
DoCombat = FALSE;
mouse_left_press = 0;
combo = 1;
if(mouse_left == 1 && mouse_left_press == 0 && combo == 1)
my.animblend = attack_b;
my.skill7 += 10 * time_step;
DoCombat = FALSE;
mouse_left_press = 0;

Thanks futuremore (i hope)