Hello. I am hoping that someone can help me with an issue. When I launch a GameStudio created application or game I get two things that flash by very quickly before the actual game runs: a white box with the loading info and a quick flash of a black, command-box like window. Is there any way to suppress these so that they are not seen at all? I am running the Pro version, by the way.

Why do I want to suppress these? Well, I am building an application via a programming environment that allows me to run a GameStudio compiled game or app within the application itself. This allows me to launch the compiled GameStudio application and display it in a specific place (a designated rectangular area) as if the GameStudio app were a part of the application (sort of like running a game in a window in a browser from the Internet). But the illusion is partly broken because, when launched, the end-user first sees the white startup screen and then the flash of the black window before the actual GameStudio game or app is up and running. If I could suppress these somehow so that they were not seen at all, then this would be fantastic.

Does anyone know if this is possible?