I've been meaning to take a look at AUM100, nice setup there with the search functions and all the downloads.
I think I got it to work with keyboard and joysticks with as little code as possible. I needed to make it know if the button was held down so remapping the key to the function didn't seem to work too well, so I used a while loop in an action and just used the function part to set a var to the key pressed

var duck_v;
var jump_v;

function duck_f() {duck_v = key_lastpressed; } //set duck var
//joy_1 = 256, a = 30, etc
function jump_f() {jump_v = key_lastpressed; } //set jump var

//use this part for the mapping:

while (key_any == 0) { wait(1); } // wait until a key is hit
key_set(key_lastpressed,duck_f); // assign function to key
while (key_any == 1) { wait(1); } // wait until key is released
while (key_any == 0) { wait(1); } // wait until a key is hit
key_set(key_lastpressed,jump_f); // assign function to key

//put the rest in a while loop somewhere"

if (key_pressed(jump_v) == 1){//jump anim/etc
if (key_pressed(duck_v) == 1){//duck animation/action/sound etc...

will also know if key is held down and since key_pressed works with the 256+ numbers not just the lower ones it'll work with joysticks too.

There might be a more correct way, but this seems to work for me. I'll still take a look at the aum and see if there is anything that'll work for my application in there

Black holes are where God divided by zero.