Sounds plausible. Alright, carry on.

Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Now Otter's name is pink? Why all the colors? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS FORUM


Finally, a word regarding the topic. Yes, the title is attention-grabbing at its worst, yes we all saw it coming, and yes, they made promises they shouldn't have. But they are new to all of this. We all went through this. I think despite all this, their heart was in the right place. They wanted to create a game with a certain standard, and it's a good thing to have high goals. It's sad that they didn't make it, but given how predictable that was, bumping this thread on purpose, isntead of letting it die, really only serves to embarass the original poster.

Which, I'm pretty sure, is exactly what the intention behind both recent bumps was. Yeah, alright, it might be funny, but it's also a bit pathetic and not at all friendly to new users. So yeah. I don't approve.

[But I'm not 100% positive if he was using warez or not. If so, I guess he deserves the mocking]

Thanks, my rant is over now.

Last edited by Error014; 06/23/11 19:36.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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