You laughed about me and my projects in the past and thats totally okay

Not about you, specifically, but yeah, I'm not a saint. I used to post long, elaborate posts about newbie projects that pointed out almost any flaw. I went through some of them again recently, and going through them is awful, because, and there's no better way of saying it, I was an absolute, complete asshole.

Maybe I should actually apologize to some people (though, I'm afraid, most of them aren't here anymore. Lukas is still here, right? I think I owe him an apology). Because, unlike you, I believe that this is not okay. It's never okay to laugh at people, and it's especially not okay to laugh at people who spend time to create something interesting, and fun. Gamedesign is, in some ways, a very altruistic hobby. After all, you always finetune it to improve someone else's experience, it's never about your own. It's about "the player", hopefully many other people, who you just want to have a good time. Yeah, of course there's also the commercial side of "I'm makin' millions!". But really, this may not quite apply to many of us people here.

Bashing someone because he or she falls short of high expectations, makes mistakes, or thinks too highly of themselves... It all seems like a cheap way to get laughs. It is easy, and you usually don't lose anything doing it. But at the same time, it's not a good move. It's arrogant, and it's pathetic.

I'm guilty of it, and I try to improve that. I'm sure I fall short of that goal.
I'm not proud of the times where, to put it bluntly, I often was an ass. If anyone from back then that I bashed on reads this, my apologies. I went too far. Sorry.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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