Sorry, Error014, could you show me any of those posts where you bashed anyone? Can't imagine that.

Do I have to? grin As I said, it's not something I'm particulary proud of.

But yes, take that "Rudi the Tin"-thread from way back then as an example.
I'm not sure if posting the link here actually has a similar effect as bumping this - as in, I'm only doing this to embarrass the original poster - but as Lukas just said he wasn't angry back then, it's probably okay to post it here. So there you go. Lukas, if you want me to remove this link, just let me know and I'll edit it out.

Now, what do we see here? Sure, there's a lot of criticism in there, and some of it is definately valid criticism. I'm sure we can all agree that the scenes lack detail, and there is an exciting style missing.

But the point here is, it is obvious that back then, Lukas was still a beginner at this (he later tells us that this is his second project, and the first that required graphics). Fair criticism is all well and good - but it should go without saying that one should go easy on beginners. Comments like
If I said to my friends (I probably won't): "Hey, would you like to try RUDI THE TIN?"

The options menu is... zzzzzz oh, sorry, I fell asleep for a second.

are really unnecessary. They don't add any value to the post, apart from, maybe, some kind of comedic value. However, that comedic value comes at a price, and that is humiliating the creator. Now that I read it, it's not as strong as I remembered it, and it's definately not a personal attack, and I'm glad for it. But still, those comments aren't particulary motivating.

Negative criticism is important, and one can learn a lot from it. And it is important to distinguish what is true and should be fixed from personal attacks that should be ignored. For the critic, it's easy to write, and it can easily be made entertaining.

There is a lot that can be said about this topic. In retrospect, one must admire Lukas' attitude he kept throughout it. He kept his chin up, responded to criticism, and improved the game. For that, he should be applauded.
Germanunkol later posts something interesting, and he's spot on on most things. He actually called me out on that behaviour, and he was right back then, and still is today.

Sadly, there's other examples, but maybe we can leave it at that.

Anyway, Lukas - I'm glad you didn't took it personal or anything like that. Still, I do believe maybe an apology is in order. So there you go: My apologies.


However... This is a different thing to this. After all, I didn't bump that thread periodically in hopes of having the OP admit to failing. This, I feel, is a different level that in my opinion goes to far (though of course posts like mine in Lukas' thread do so, too)

That is what I wanted to say. I don't think arguing about this would really bring us any further, as we both have stated our opinions, and we pretty obviously disagree on that issue.

One final thing: Doing something "for the lulz" is by far the most obnoxious and stupid comment one can make. It's helping no one, and in some ways, depending on context, it too is arrogant - but since it uses the - for the lack of a better term - "word" "lulz", it automatically also comes across as childish and dumb.
But then, that is only my opinion, and we could argue grammar, spelling, and pet peeves like that all day.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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