As I said before, there are plenty of mods roaming this thread now, so why don't you just lock it? That's what mods are for...

... although now that I think about it, being a mod, couldn't sid unlock this thread after its locked? I guess he would have to be stripped of his mod rights for this to work (not that I think anyone would care. Sid's an entertaining character, but I really think it was a bad idea to make him a mod).

EDIT: I just realized that the "noob brother" (FutureRaptor) has made 67(!) posts. Some of them are very recent...

Also Gorilla123 himself made a few posts about a month after the creation of this thread. It looks like he took my advice to heart and stopped posting until he had something to show... that's rare for a newcomer.

Last edited by Redeemer; 06/27/11 13:22.

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