Originally Posted By: Pappenheimer

Can you explain this a bit more?

I dont mean of course that Gamecore is still nowadays better than Unity but it definitely was some years ago
If you go through the list of bugs of various Unity editions you can see yourself
Yet Unity has alwayes been considered a top engine while Gamecore / BeyondVirtual a junk

This is also due to the shameless insulting campaign made by some users and the Gekido's absolute lack of dimplomacy
One of such mean guy even posted in many other game engine forum
I did appreciate Truevision's moderator answer
"You are not welcome..leave this forum"

The world / model editor

Unity is good but Gamecore is excellent
Every buttons is there where you expect to be found

The programming

Gamecore supplies an impressive number of intuitive commands
You dont have to reinvent the wheel, yet the engine is extremly flexible
Unity classes / methods are sometime criptic

Poor documentation ? and Unity ? ....my God

Angel script is an OO scripting language


when both non commercial ( 200 usd) and commercial ( 1500 usd ) editions were avaiable Gamecore supplied all the features which an amateur needs while the pro edition added only "true" pro feature ( multiplatform, profiler etc..)
To have shadows in Unity you had to shell out 1500 usd
My fault not to read the specs ok...but it was not fair in my opinion

I make an other personal example

I asked Unity to add a simple animated file format such as Milkshape
"FBX is a future, ok " I said " but it is a matter of fact that FBX converter are not yet fully reliable "

I got a personal msg from Unity, saying that user's feedback is of utmost importance to them....bla..bla.."
They did nothing
Same request to Gekido
Some months later the Milkshape importer was available

Marketing sometimes win over technics

Last edited by AlbertoT; 07/02/11 13:20.