First off let me apologize for the messy post
wasn't sure if I should post this to the starting with gamestudio or not but
since my question is regarding multiplayer then I think I'll post it here.

I'm trying to combine the multiplayer workshop 25 script25_2 with AUM 78 multiplayer 11 script.
I'm able to get the server to fire but I don't know how to get the client to fire.

Can anyone offer me help. here's the code I've got so far.
I'm not sure how to post code in a neat little format so I'll post the 2 major parts

// simple lite-C online game
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#define health skill20


var fired = 0;
var client_ent = 0; // stores the handle to the client entity (client's player)
var server_fired = 0;
var client_fired = 0;
var bullet_pan; // stores the pan angle of the server or client player
var players_health;

var cam_angle = 90; // set the initial camera angle here
var cam_dist = 250; // set the default zoom in factor here
var cam_height = 150; // set the default camera height here

var im_server = 0;
var im_client = 0;

var server_only = 0;
var client_only = 0;
var client_server = 0;

var player_id = 0;
var my_id = 0;

VECTOR temp2;

BMAP* hit_tga = "hit.tga";
BMAP* mouse_tga = "C_Standard_800x600.tga"; // bitmap used for the mouse pointer 

STRING* client_test_str ="#100";

FONT* arial_font = "Arial#15"; 
 TEXT* client_test_txt = // displays the info messages at the top of the screen
	pos_x = 10;
	pos_y = 30;
	layer = 10;
	string (client_test_str);
	flags = visible;


function simple_camera()
   cam_dist += 0.9 * mickey.z * time_step; // zoom in / out using the mouse wheel
   cam_dist = clamp(cam_dist, 20, 500); // limit the distance between the camera and the player to 20...500
   cam_height+= 8 *(mouse_force.y)* time_step;  // set the height of the camera using the mouse
	camera.clip_near = 5; // don't pass walls when close to them
   cam_height = clamp(cam_height, 5, 300);  // limit the height of the camera
   camera.x = my.x - cam_dist * cos(cam_angle);
   camera.y = my.y - cam_dist * sin(cam_angle);
   if(mouse_right == 1)
     cam_angle += 4 *(mouse_force.x) * time_step; 
        cam_angle = my.pan; // the camera and the player have the same pan angle    
   camera.z = my.z + cam_height;
   vec_set(temp2.x, my.x);
   vec_sub(temp2.x, camera.x);
   vec_to_angle(camera.pan, temp2); // rotate the camera towards the player at all times

function fade_hits(PARTICLE *p)
	p.alpha -= 4 * time_step; // fade out the hit_tga particles
	if (p.alpha < 0) 
		p.lifespan = 0;
function player_hit(PARTICLE *p)
       p->vel_x = 0.2 - random(1) / 4;
       p->vel_y = 0.2 - random(1) / 4;
       p->vel_z = 0.3 + random(1) / 3;
       p.alpha = 25 + random(50);
       p.bmap = hit_tga;
       p.size = 5; // gives the size of the hit particles
       p.flags |= (BRIGHT | MOVE);
       p.event = fade_hits;
function hit_effect() // this function will generate particles only on the client
	effect(player_hit, 5, my.x, nullvector); // generate 5 particles each frame

function remove_bullets() // this function runs when the bullet collides with something
	if (connection == 2) // this section runs on the client?
		proc_client(my, hit_effect); // then start a function that will only run on the client
	else // this section runs on the server
		// under normal conditions (without checking the "connection" value) this would create particles on the client, as well as on the server
		effect(player_hit, 5, my.x, nullvector); 
	wait (1); // wait a frame to be sure (don't trigger engine warnings)
	ent_remove (my); // and then remove the bullet

function move_bullets() // this function runs on the server (any ent_create instruction is run on the server)
	VECTOR bullet_speed[3]; // stores the speed of the bullet
	my.emask = ENABLE_IMPACT | ENABLE_ENTITY | ENABLE_BLOCK; // the bullet is sensitive to impacts with entities and level blocks
	my.event = remove_bullets; // when it collides with something, its event function (remove_bullets) will run
	my.pan = bullet_pan; // my.pan could be set to server's player.pan or client's player.pan
	my.skill99 = 1234; // set a unique identifier for the bullets
	bullet_speed.x = 50 * time_step; // adjust the speed of the bullet here
	bullet_speed.y = 0; // the bullet doesn't move sideways
	bullet_speed.z = 0; // or up / down on the z axis
	while (my) // this loop will run for as long as the bullet exists (it isn't "NULL")
		c_move (my, bullet_speed, nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | IGNORE_YOU); // move the bullet ignoring its creator (the player)
		ent_sendnow(my); // send the updated bullet position each frame (ensures smooth bullet movement on the client as well)
		wait (1);

function fire_bullets() // this function is called from main, so it runs on the server and on the client
	if (connection == 2 ) // this section runs on the client
   str_cpy(client_test_str, "Client Fired");
	fired += 1;
   PANEL* digit_pan =
    digits (80, 35, 2, *, 1, fired);
    flags = VISIBLE;

	 client_fired = 1; // we set client_fired for a frame, and then we reset it
    client_fired = 0;
 if (connection == 3 ) // this section runs on the client
	str_cpy(client_test_str, "Server Fired");
	fired += 1;
   PANEL* digit_pan =
    digits (80, 35, 2, *, 1, fired);
    flags = VISIBLE;
	server_fired =1;
	server_fired = 0;

function on_client_event() // terminate client when server disconnects
   if (event_type == EVENT_LEAVE)

function player_remove() // remove player when client disconnects
   if (event_type == EVENT_DISCONNECT)

function init_mouse()
 mouse_mode = 2;
 mouse_map = mouse_tga;
  while (1)
         vec_set(mouse_pos, mouse_cursor);

action player_move() // control the player on its client, move it on the server, animate it on all clients
  my.emask |= ENABLE_DISCONNECT;
  my.smask |= NOSEND_FRAME; // don't send animation
  my.event = player_remove; 
  var walk_percentage = 0;
  var skill1_old = 0, skill2_old = 0;
  VECTOR bullet_pos[3]; = 100;
  send_skill(, 0); 	// send the health value once, at the very beginning, in order to update the health value on the client player at game start

 while ( > 0) // the server player is still alive?
    if (my.client_id == dplay_id)   // player created by this client?
      if (key_w-key_s != my.skill1)// forward/backward key state changed?
        my.skill1 = key_w-key_s; 
        send_skill(my.skill1,0); // send the key state in reliable mode
      if (key_a-key_d != my.skill2)// rotation key changed?
        my.skill2 = key_a-key_d; 
        send_skill(my.skill2,0); // send rotation state in reliable mode
	     send_var_to(NULL,client_fired); // send client_fired to the server; even client's bullets are created on the server
     if (connection == 3) // running on the server?
      if (my.skill1 != skill1_old)
       {    // if movement changed
        send_skill(my.skill1,SEND_ALL); // send movement to all clients
        skill1_old = my.skill1;
      if (my.skill2 != skill2_old)
       {    // if rotation changed
        send_skill(my.skill2,SEND_ALL); // send rotation to all clients
        skill2_old = my.skill2;
       	if(server_fired == 1)  // the client has fired? Then we need to get access to the client player
				vec_set (bullet_pos.x, vector (80, -10, 25)); // create the bullet at an offset of x = 30, y = -5, z = 15
				vec_rotate (bullet_pos.x, my.pan); // in relation to the "you" model (client's player)
				vec_add (bullet_pos.x, my.x);     //Adds the first and second vector, and copies the result to first. This can be used for adding velocities
				bullet_pan = my.pan; // and we use client's player pan angle for the bullet
				ent_create("bullet.mdl", bullet_pos.x, move_bullets);	// then create client's bullets (on the server as well)


   		if (client_fired == 1) // the client has fired? Then we need to get access to the client player
				you = ptr_for_handle(client_ent); // let's restore its handle; the client player is now "you"
				vec_set (bullet_pos.x, vector (80, -10, 25)); // we set bullet_pos to the same offset
				vec_rotate (bullet_pos.x, you.pan); // in relation to the "you" model (client's player)
				vec_add (bullet_pos.x, you.x);
				bullet_pan = you.pan; // and we use client's player pan angle for the bullet
            ent_create("bullet.mdl", bullet_pos.x, move_bullets);	// then create client's bullets (on the server as well)
    my.pan += my.skill2*5*time_step;   // rotate the entity using its skill2
    var distance = my.skill1*5*time_step;
    c_move(me, vector(distance,0,0), NULL, GLIDE); // move it using its skill1
    walk_percentage += distance;
    ent_animate(me,"walk",walk_percentage,ANM_CYCLE); // animate the entity

 wait (1);

function main() 
  if (!connection)// not started with -cl / -sv -cl?
	 sys_exit(NULL); // and then shut down the engine

   }while (dplay_status < 2); // wait until the session is opened or joined
  dplay_entrate = 4;  // 16 ticks/4 = 4 updates per second
  dplay_smooth = 0;   // dead reckoning not needed
  dplay_localfunction = 2;
  level_load ("multiplayer6.wmb");
  while (dplay_status < 6) wait(1); // wait until the level state is received from the server
  on_client = on_client_event;
  on_server = player_remove; // function server_event will run as soon as the server receives a message from a client
  on_mouse_left = fire_bullets; // the player use the left mouse buttons to fire
  if (connection == 3)// this instance of the game runs on the server
     STRING* title = str_create("Server: ");
     ent_create ("redguard.mdl",vector(100,50,40),player_move); // then create the red guard!
    if(connection == 2)//  runs as a connected client
     random_seed(0); // allow random player positions
     my=ent_create ("blueguard.mdl",vector(-100+random(200),-50+random(100),40),player_move); // create the blue guard
	  client_ent = handle(my); // now we can get a valid handle to the client entity (the player that runs on the client)
	  send_var_to(NULL,client_ent); // and let's send the handle over the network to the server (no need to do that more than once)


Last edited by tunisod; 07/22/11 14:41.