You can even do that in JavaScript. You can create any variable and they can also contain components. So you can define your variable at the beginning as a component that you need more often and you have very little text to write. JavaScript/UnityScript is really powerful, you have classes, enumerations and a variable can contain everything and is easy to create, no hassle with memory and type assignments like you have in C or C++.

The scripting language is really no issue at all. The difference is that you have to learn a new API. But I find these APIs ok. They might have longer names but are better to read and better to understand. Much better than each vecforanything. Or take set and reset in Gamestudio as an example. Reset deletes a flag while the meaning of reset is re-set, setting it again. So it should actually set the flag again and not delete it. The API names of Gamestudio are often really bad English and hard to understand for a newbie.

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