Hello everyone,

because it's not easy to make a 2d game (correctly I mean 2.5D game) with 3dgs I am working on a 2d game development tool.
So it will be much more easier to develope 2d RTS games or 2d adventures or else.
I want to include following features (some is already working):

* A map editor -> you can create your own 2d maps with textures, trees, water etc. It will be like an map editor from 2d RTS games. You can also insert your own bmaps.
* A Pathfinding system to make people finding their way to go, and to set fields blocked. ( A* Pathfinding )
* A sort system to set all bmaps in the right layer.
* Animated water
* A tool to take pics of your 3d figure. -> you have to insert your 3d figure with or without animation. the tool will generate automatic images and set the alpha channel with shadow( I put a screen down)
* The maximum size of one map will be 128x256 Fields.
* A "camera code"
* A code to run animations

Everyone who is interested should write here, because if not many people want to have this tool I can't develope it.
And because I don't have money I want to set a price for this tool, but not high.
What is your mind about this?

many regards Benni

Last edited by Benni003; 08/18/11 07:37.