Originally Posted By: 3run
Ohh, thanks I didn't know about that one. About addshape, is there any way to stretch box hull?

If I understand correctly, stretching after pXent_addshape is not possible.

But simply try this way:

// Initialize physX properties:

ENTITY* shape1 = ent_create("shape1.mdl",0,0);
ENTITY* shape2 = ent_create("shape2.mdl",0,0);

vec_set(shape1.x, my.x);vec_add(shape1.x,vector(95,0,1.5));
vec_set(shape2.x, my.x);vec_add(shape2.x,vector(-34.7,0,-25.5));

pXent_settype(my, PH_RIGID, PH_BOX);

pXent_addshape(my, shape1, PH_BOX); set(shape1,INVISIBLE);
pXent_addshape(my, shape2, PH_BOX); set(shape2,INVISIBLE);

pXent_removeshape(my, 0);

Regards, Robert

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
by Albert Einstein

PhysX Preview of Cloth, Fluid and Soft Body
