I've created a small strategy game and wanted to share it with you, as strategy games are afaik a bit underrepresented in the forum ^^ The quality and especially the graphics are quite amateurish, but nonetheless the game was quite interesting to make and maybe is also to play laugh

Asuindu is a small strategy game, that reminds more of a board game than a computer game. You reinforce/create armies and add units to them and then have to destroy the opponent or survive for a number of turns !

Several (tutorial) scenarios and campaigns (each consists of 5 scenarios) are available :
- Maurya Empire (an empire in ancient India (321 BC to 185 BC))
- Imjin Waeran (Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598))
- Muslim Conquest of Persia (Rashidun Empire vs Sassanid Empire (633-644))
- Taiping Rebellion (a civil war in southern China (1850-1864))

These scenarios/campaigns can either be played in Single-Player or in Multiplayer (hotseat/PBEM). An Editor to alter or create maps is also included (this editor was used to create the scenarios/campaigns).

You'll need the .net 3.0 framework (most probably already installed on a XP, Vista or Window 7 computer and the .ogg codecs !

Download link for the game : Asuindu_1_0.zip

Game screenshots :

Game Starter screenshot :

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread