I believe in kick-voting, here is how I would do it:
Every players vote has a weight, the higher the weight the more influence do they have. Weight is gained by doing good things in the game, for example playing for a long time on the server, doesn't spam, doesn't vote spam. To kick someone, it needs at least 3 players or 3/4 of all players weight (whatever adds up to more, this way one person which played for a long time can't kick any player). Voting to kick the person reduces the weight of the person by 60%, voting against the kick does nothing.
The weight of the person is reduced for kick votes against its nemesis, this is, if I was killed by player Foo multiple times in a row or player Foo killed me the most, my vote to kick him is only worth 30% of its usual weight. Same goes for the one who initiated the vote, his/her vote is also only worth 30% of its normal weight.

For map voting the rules would probably look like this: Players with a very low kill/death ratio have less weight in the vote than players with a normal ratio which have more weight. Players with a very high kill/death ratio don't receive any weight boost in a map vote.

This rule set isn't tested so if you are going to use something like this, please test it a lot and tweak the rules!

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com