I am working on a keymap with bitmaps I need shown.
I am currently using panels with a =SHOW and &=~SHOW (to hide) command. I'd like to shorten it using C, but am not quite good enough to do it on my own.

this is what I have over and over again:
//button variable array. 
if(buttonz[1] ==1)  {pb_x.flags =SHOW;}
if(buttonz[1] ==0)  {pb_x.flags &=~SHOW;}

what I'd like to be able to do is use something like this:
if(buttonz[i] ==1)  {panel[i].flags =SHOW;}
if(buttonz[i] ==0)  {panel[i].flags &=~SHOW;}

I have found some examples I can use as a for(i) command, but I don't know how to do it with the panels, I really don't need it to be a panel, just a bitmap is what I need (with specific coordinates of course).
any help would be nice

Black holes are where God divided by zero.