Thanks, that helps quite a bit. Unfortunately it still means I have to define each bitmap accordingly. I have seen use of parameters in the title so would I be able to do something like this:

PANEL* my_panel_array[10](bitmap)
{bitmap1=bit_alpha; pos_x=456;pos_y=125;
bitmap2=bit_beta; pos_x=111;pos_y=222;}

then use
my_panel_array[4](4).flags=SHOW; //the array number and parameter number is ok to always have to be the same, but I'd have to be able to tell whats what inside the panel and have multiple bmps and positions defined

This way I could have just one panel array defined with all the bitmaps and locations predefined and just use the code to show or hide it.

If not, I'll still have to have all that code to define the bitmap and coordinates anyway. If I have to do it that way, I'll stick with the draw_quads and save myself from needing those panels at all since they only show in a while loop anyway.


Black holes are where God divided by zero.