I'm trying to write my own keymapping code based off ones I have found on the forum and AUM. I got most of it to work, but I am having some issues with it reading a few things.
I am using key_lastpressed to set the key and call it forth to play the action like so:

var jump_v=57;
if(key_pressed(jump_v){run jump command}

The Key mapping in the manual doesn't have anything for the d-pad on controllers or the analog stick. Not to mention if the triggers aren't set up as buttons in the driver it won't see that either.

Is there a way to set it up easily to be able to set the key to be able to tell if triggers or d-pad buttons were used?

if I can setup the system to recognize a custom scancode of a key that'd be great. say a trigger goes above a certain threshold when it's in the recording stage or the d-pad is at one of the 4 positions the key would be set to 290 (which doesn't exist in the scancode registry) then key_pressed(trigger) would be key_pressed(290), but that won't do anything since it's not set in the scancode.

Black holes are where God divided by zero.