rojart: Yeah, much like that, but generated on-the fly inside the engine.
Each time an entiry/terrain "slab" is moved, I re-generate its vertex
height-maps to match its new locations. (and stitch it to its neibours)

MrGuest: Not so stupid, so think of it like this.
I want to cross a HUGE patch of muddy ground, and Im carrying a couple of planks.
I put one plank down, and walk along it, then I put the other plank down.
Once I step onto it, I pick up the first plank, and carry it to the end of the plank Im now on.
I then put the plank Im carrying down and step onto it, and pick up the other plank.
I now walk to the end of plank Im on and put the plank Im carrying down, ETC.
So you see I can cover a large patch of ground with only two planks.
Thats why I want to recyle my terrains(planks), because if I just keep
creating then destroying terrains, I rapidly run out of (nexus?)memory.

rojart: Nice idea, but no good. See my previous reply to progger...

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