Jibb and Mister... Thats what I USED to think, its logical right?

But NOOOO, its not!

After much discussion with JCL, this is NOT a bug, its just the way things are.

Admittedly we were disussing entities rather than terrain, so I assumed the same.

So I just did a test, to prove the point.

Run this following stand-alone script (A8 only of course), and open your
windows task manager, and watch every byte of memory get (not so) slowly consumed!

Click to reveal..
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
void main()
  	wait(1);	level_load(NULL);	wait(1);
	ENTITY* terr = NULL;			var count=0, x;
	BMAP* fake = bmap_createblack(128,128,24);
		for(x=0; x<10; x++)
			{	terr = ent_createterrain(fake, vector(1000,0,0), 128,128,5);
				/*ent_clone(terr);*/			count++;									}	
			{	ent_remove(terr);		terr = NULL;									}
		draw_text("created/removed = ", 100, 100, COLOR_WHITE);	draw_text(str_for_int(NULL, count), 250, 100, COLOR_WHITE);
		draw_text("nexus = ", 100, 130, COLOR_WHITE);				draw_text(str_for_int(NULL, nexus), 200, 130, COLOR_WHITE);
		draw_text("sys_memory = ", 100, 160, COLOR_WHITE);			draw_text(str_for_int(NULL, sys_memory), 250, 160, COLOR_WHITE);


I dont understand your final statement MrGuest? If I cant MOVE terrains, I CANT re-use them...

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