please lets keep astrology and biology out of this thread XD

änyway, i think we finally find a comon edge here. i say it again, i am not against new technology, i just dont think that it makes everything better. i highly doubt that super mario 64 would be any better with voxel technology. that doesnt mean that voxels dont have a right to exist. they do. its good we have them. we just dont need to use them for all games, as we already agreed upon laugh

i would like to see a game that has really great gameplay and NEEDS the voxels. i have yet to see something like that.

oh and by the way, because frank brought up minecraft, you know whats similar to minecraft but with REAL gameplay? Terraria. its minecraft 2D with more gameplay aspects beyond "here, have some virtual legos". pretty cool stuff actually. it is a nice blend of 3d objects and 2D objects and i could see how something like that could actually grow with voxel based technology. that and worms maybe...