spike, your point regarding CGI is interesting. It is a common procedure to overcome "writer's block", or any other hindrance in creativity, to artificially restrain oneself. If you set a setting, that's a constraint (you can't just add magic into any sci-fi story). Gameplaywise, if you want the game to be playable entirely with the mouse, that's a huge constraint. And of course, any technology comes with it's own sets of constraints. Voxels are no different in that sense.

I think even with the greatest CGI, you'd still be able to make good movies. Just like the old Star Wars episodes wouldn't (necessarily) be suddenly worse if you were to improve their CGI, right? I mean, there might be some charm to it, but that is, probably, more a subjective thing, related to taste and perhaps nostalgia, than any objective reasoning.
The more possibilities we have, however, the more important does it become to CHOSE our own restrictions.

~ ~ ~ ~

The rest of this will be all about Frank's earlier post. This is a long one. You've been warned.

EDIT: Removed on request.

EDIT: No longer relevant.

And you know what actually sounds like teacher-behaviour? How about this?

Also all the long and detailed instruction often sounding a bit like talking down to other people are samples of that. I know that you only try to sound very smart that way. But I know from my own experience that people often dont like this kind of teacher-like behaviour and that is why there are a couple of dirty words describing it.

Listen, Frank. I hate to do this, but let's take this snippet here:

this is just a try to mirror how you can be seen in the world around you.

And let us really take that to heart. I'm an asshole, I'm an idiot, and the last thing I probably should do is to get all high-and-mighty here. But hey, you started it, so you should stand the heat, no?

There once was a user named Phemox. I'm sure you remember him. Do you know why I remember him? Because your arguments with him got so out-of-hand that I once posted quite the text asking you to please stop.

I stand by what I said back then, which was mostly: You seem to be very knowledgable, and you're definitely very talented. You often have good ideas and you come across as helpful and nice. You make so many posts of value, and that's amazing. Have I ever really thanked you for that? I probably haven't, but you deserve it. Thank you for all this. And I really mean it. The community has gotten quiet these days. I can only applaud every single effort to do something about it. laugh

However, for some reason, and I really cannot for the life of me pinpoint it to any one thing, you sometimes seem to get really worked up on things posted here. Which is sad, because no matter what a user posts, it's words on the internet.
And here, it's not even hurtful ones. Or even really mean ones. Back with Phemox, fine, I guess he sometimes replied "lol" to serious arguments, which I agree can easily come across as offensive. I'm pretty sure he doesn't meant it that way, but I can't blame you there. I'd feel offended, too.
But this time?

Has it been this?

Was I really nit-picking? I'd say not in your case. I could've ignored you and continued my discussion with others here. I could've humoured you like a child and pretended you had good reason to going back to that point. I chose the third option: call you up on it so we can all understand each other in this discussion.

This is the first (and from what I can tell the only) instance of something that could perhaps be interpreted as offensive from Jibb. It's very different from saying "WELL DUH YOUR ATTITUDE SUCKS SO SHUT UP". Which of course no one did.
It's also a very clever piece of writing. Is it offensive? No, not really. He's saying "I could have humoured you like a child". As in: You acted like a child? No, that's not what those words mean.
Yes, I know it feels like he said it. I'd feel the same way. I guess it's a language issue.
But he hasn't said it! He implied it, maybe, but he hasn't outright said it. Clever boy. And in some ways, I guess it could be interpreted as a sign of respect as well. After all, he didn't chose that way - since he's treating you like an adult.
Still... this has clearly been written cleverly, and if I were to guess, I'd say that this point shows some frustrations on Jibb's part. You can see he's angry since he has been misunderstood YET AGAIN (which I can relate to, guys, we haven't been talking about the "game or not a game" thing for like three pages). So, with all this, let's take a look at your reply. What did you chose to reply with?

EDIT: Removed on request.

But seriously, what is it that makes you think he's out to get you? And it's not just this thread, you know. You guys have a bit of a history. Has he been a saint? No, he most definitly hasn't. Have you been? Nope. And in my judgement, which I hope you take as a somewhat objective second opinion, I'd say that you're usually the one to attack first. And I'm sure you often don't even mean it. That's what gets to me. You don't intend for these things to come across the way they do, and it breaks my heart to say it, but they DO come across as condescending, and as you're talking them down, and as if you clearly think you're better than them.

I can't imagine you are such a person. I'd bet on the fact that you aren't. Then, why do you sometimes post like that?

... You don't need to answer to that. I should, probably, not click the "submit"-button on this, but I am going to do it, because I feel this should be said. Basically, I'm hoping that you are mature enough to understand how this is meant, to not take offense, and to - hopefully - better yourself.

Hahah. And me, of all people, to say this... I should probably shut up more often. Well, at least, everyone can agree on that, right? laugh

Again, please don't take this the wrong way. I appreciate all you do for the community, I really do. I think it's great you're here, and we both have had discussions before that I found to be valuable, and insightful. It'd be a shame to lose that. But it would certainly not be a shame if you, I dunno, just take a deep breath each time before you post. Because what you posted about Jibb and that astrology-thing was not cool, and it only reflects poorly on you.

Last edited by Error014; 10/03/11 14:00. Reason: Edited on request.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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