Error, for the sake of peace I will not comment on all the things you wrote. The problem is just that we are all very similar, Julz, you, me and maybe even Phemox. We like to analyze things, we talk about it (often with way too much text around simple facts) and we imply things and sometimes we are a bit more direct and honest. I dont see much of a difference and it would be an endless discussing when I start quoting you.

But really, I dont want to harm or insult you or anybody else. So I will not take your wall of text as something bad and will just leave it that way. And I am sure that you are also aware that you wrote all this in the internet wink

But keeping this in mind I would even suggest to just delete all these off-topic comments. As Julz wrote already, we dismissed the topic and hey, the discussion evolved wink

I already started and removed the post that caused the misunderstanding. The rest is up to you.

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