Joey: No good dude. I need the actual 16bit data as saved by 'photoshop'.

Bart: Re-read my top post regarding number of bits. I am actually working
with a 16bit float DDS file. The "12" in my top post is the "pixel type number"
that gamestudio returns from bmap_lock. Read the manual under bmap_lock and
check the type 12 entry. Thats me...

And yes I am using pixel_for_bmap first. I also tried looking at the raw
'pixel' data as stored in the var returned by pixel_for_bmp, BEFORE using it in
pixel_to_vec but could make no sense of it or use for it.

I wish I knew how to get inside GS's pixel format, because I suspect the 16bit
data IS being retrieved by pixel_for_bmap, its just that pixel_to_vect doesnt
know how to process it...

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