FYI: The editor will have a drag'n'drop interface, like the form editor of Visual
Studio. There will be two options for scripting - user functions and a pattern
based scripting, where you can do simple things by having boxes, that can be

I don't really get what you mean by having at least one other option, as I am
going to have as many options as possible, but I wanted to see with this poll, if
my ideas are usable.

(Btw, of course there will be example and it will include a default procedural
image shader that will be used, if the user does not select any other source
-> fast prototyping of GUIs)

For the speed thing, well, I only read other users opinions about that (e.g. in
the 2D scrolling game thread by Joozey(?)), so I used it my IsoEngine project
too. I have to admit, that I have never made a real comparison, but a quick
test with 800 non moving 2x2pixel panels/quads showed, that panels were faster
in that case. If that is always the case (I need to think about a better
test...), the first poll is useless.